Yacon Root

Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is an andean root cultivated in warm and temperate areas of the Andes for its crisp texture and sweet flavor. Has prebiotics and is believed to have a favorable effect on the intestinal flora; their root contains vitamins B1, B and C and is composed mostly of water and oligofructans.


Yacon Syrup

Its principal advantage is its Inulina’s content, dietetic fiber that helps to the organism to metabolize the glucose, it is very recommended for the diabetics.

Yacon Syrup


  • Low blood pressure
  • Prevents and controls hyperglycemia
  • Controls body weight
  • Decreases appetite
  • Laxative
  • Promotes intestinal function
  • Restores kidney function
  • Prevents Colon Cancer
  • Prevents and combats osteoporosis
  • Antioxidant
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